1. Introduction

       This policy has been prepared to provide guidance to staff and drivers on how to manage and control lost property in an open, fair and documented way, thereby protecting the interests of both drivers and passengers.

       Our Business by nature have to deal with high volumes of lost and found items. London Pointers Limited have a responsibility to provide safe custody of money and other personal property handed in by drivers or passengers found within a vehicle.

Any such items or objects found regardless of value, are considered lost property, and should be dealt with as detailed within this policy.

  1. Definition of Lost Property

‘Lost property’ is a broad term used to identify items that do not belong to the drivers operating under London Pointers Limited and have been left (accidentally or otherwise) in our vehicles.

‘Lost property’ also relates to an item which has been reported lost in one of our vehicles but has not been found by or handed in to a driver.

For the purposes of this document lost property is separated into three classifications:

(a) Perishable items.

(b) Low value, non-perishable items.

(c) Valuable items.

If a driver is unsure about the value of an item (and therefore which processing method to follow), advice should be sought from the management.

  1. Finding and reporting lost property

The purpose of our lost property policy is to reunite lost belongings to their owners. Wherever possible, items should be returned to the passengers/customers who have lost them.

Drivers should thoroughly check their vehicle once a journey has been completed to ensure that items have not been left behind by the passenger. Where an item has been found, in the first instance, the driver should contact the previous passenger to enquire as to whether they are missing any items.

All items of lost property are to be secured and stored away from other passengers until the driver is able to hand the item over to the owner or the relevant member of staff located at London Pointers Ltd address and should be recorded on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form attached to this document.

If a passenger reports an item lost within one of our vehicles a “Lost Property – Item Reported Lost” form should be completed. A full description of the item(s) should be obtained, details of where and when the item was lost, approximate time and date and any distinguishing marks to support proof of ownership. The passenger reporting the loss should be given an emailed copy of the form.


  1. Procedures for valuable items

Items of lost property such as wallets and purses, handbags and luggage should be searched in an attempt to find some identifying information. This should always be done in the presence of at least another person where possible.

Where debit/credit/other similar cards are found and the owner/passenger cannot be traced within an hour, the phone number printed on the back of the card(s) should be used to report the find to the issuing bank/company. On their advice the card should either be shredded or posted back to the relevant bank/company. All details are to be recorded on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form.

When bags are searched for any information, contents should be itemised as part of the item description on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form.


Any cash that is found or handed in to a driver should be counted by in the presence of another person again where possible. If the cash is in note form then the serial number of each note should be recorded and documented. All cash sums should be placed in a sealed security bag and be secured in the vehicle until it can be safely deposited to the offices of London Pointers Limited. All details are to be recorded on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form.

Mobile Phones:

On receipt of a mobile phone handed in or found by a driver as lost property, (providing the phone is switched on) an attempt by the driver should be made to contact someone in the address book of the mobile phone.

Some people may, in their address book, have a contact under the name ICE (in case of emergency).

If successful, the driver should request that the person answering the phone give a name of the owner and if possible an alternative contact number or address. The driver can also ask the person answering the call to inform the owner that their phone is in the driver’s possession.

Once contact has been made the phone (if switched on) should be turned off and be kept in a secure place. All details are to be recorded on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form.

Other valuable items:

Such items including cameras, headphones, jewellery and anything else found by a driver or another passenger should be immediately placed into a safe location and all details are to be recorded on the “Lost Property – Item Found” form.

  1. Recording Lost Property

Every attempt should be made to contact passengers who have used the service that day to try and reunite any lost property with its owner.

The relevant form should be completed, and a full description of the item(s) should be obtained, date the item was found, details of the vehicle including registrations number, description of the car and any distinguishing marks to support proof of ownership. Details of any attempts to return the item to the owner/passenger should be recorded and whether the attempt was successful or not.

All completed lost property forms should be retained in a file kept at the office of London Pointers Limited.

  1. Retention Periods for Lost Property

Perishable items (foodstuffs, liquids) are to be kept until the end of the driver’s working day on the day the items were found (or less as deemed appropriate per individual case). After this time any unclaimed items should be disposed of safely.

Non-perishable and valuable items are to be kept for three calendar months in order to allow rightful owners/passengers time to claim their property.

At the start of each month, a member of staff should review the items that have been held from three calendar months previously. Non valuable items which remain unclaimed are to be disposed of either by donation to a charity or the items should be destroyed.

An itemised receipt should be obtained from the charity shop which should then be filed with the relevant lost property form.

Valuable items should be transferred to the responsibility of the Police, who will then hold and dispose of these items under the terms of their own lost property policy. Forms relating to these items should be updated to reflect this transferral.

Any unclaimed cash should be donated to a charity of choice. A receipt for the amount of cash donated should be obtained from the Charity and the form should be updated to show this change.

For record purposes it is important that the rightful owner signs, dates and supplies an address on the lost property form when collecting the item. This personal information is to be taken and protected in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

All records relation to lost property will be retained for a period of 12 months.

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